Wednesday, October 9, 2013


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From: Herbert Ellis []
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 3:49 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''
Response to School Emergency Incident September 30.2013

 Good Afternoon President Cheryl Coleman:

 As a member of the Education/Accountability, Planning Committee, I am compelled to endorse the decision made in response to the bomb threat at one of District 227's  high schools last week. 

The public must be continuously reminded that the leadership which includes all members of the school board, superintendent, principals and teachers have collectively a twofold primary responsibility:  a) to maintain the safety and security of all students, and b) provide continuous instruction and learning for all students during school hours.  This means discipline and instruction are part of the same coin.   They are inseparable.   Each can positively or negatively affect the other.

 Therefore, it appears to me the movement of  the students to another school was done in the best interest of continuing instruction in  the most safe and secure environment rather than have the students  roam  the community unsupervised.   However, unexpected situations do occur even with the best of plans.   In this situation something in the district-wide discipline routine was apparently missing or not observed. 

To determine the nature and scope of the problem requires answers to two salient questions:  "What can we, the leaders,  do to prevent this disciplinary problem from occurring again?"     This question addresses the issue of, " What in our district school-wide discipline routine might need to be modified, added, and enforced via monitoring and feedback?" 

To effectively address these questions,  such actions as the following are necessary to review now as well as to take in the future:

 1.  Immediately convene an emergency call meeting (e.g., conference call or gathering of the board members) to inform members of the School Board  the problem based on information already received. 

2.  With the input of the superintendent, take appropriate actions based on the established bylaws, policies, and operating procedures of the School Board.

 3.  Direct the superintendent  according to the bylaws, policies and operating procedures of the School Board to further  investigate the incident with the principal(s)  involved, and report the findings to the  School Board. 

4.  Based on the nature of the findings, the School Board determines if further action is needed, if so,  and by whom.

Note:   It is obvious that immediate attention must be given to the district-wide routine.

This information is  provided in support of the district's efforts to elevate, accelerate and sustain the highest quality of education for all students in District 227 .



 Herbert G. Ellis, Ph.D.







Rich Township 227 Coalition for Better Schools


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