Saturday, October 12, 2013


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From: "" <>; "" <>
Sent:     Tuesday, October 8, 2013  7:48 AM


At this time in our school district's history, behind closed doors, we are being speedily destroyed. Since coming to the school board as chair,  Cheryl Coleman has speedily isolated all but her two most loyal board members and has unlawfully prevented the full board and the community from participation in both an interim and permanent superintendent search.  Since May 2013, Dr. Morgan has fought to move the district forward by encouraging Cheryl Coleman to allow for full board and public participation in our community's internal affairs in addressing issues at open board meetings.  His is the agenda that won the so-called reform school board the election on April 9, 2013.  Without his continued push, this would not have happened. 

At this time,  Cheryl Coleman is still pushing only two board members to be engaged in the business  that the full board should be engaged in. She has also alienated the full board as well as Dr. Morgan.  He has always believed that while the majority rules, the rights to full board participation  (this includes the minority board members)  and community participation must be protected.  The so-called reform school board appear to be united in public, but only three are working together as a team with one another with Dr. Morgan who wants what is in the best interest of children and community being the outsider, but they are still expecting him to vote their way in public. Hence, the so-called reform school board who is about "change, a new vision, and school improvement" conundrum.

Today, Dr. Morgan is the only one who has encouraged Cheryl Coleman in the agenda for full board and community democratic participation in our affairs.  Without him, we will not move forward to re-establish our full democracy and full board and community participation in our school improvement affairs.  It is Dr. Morgan who has pushed for full board and democratic participation and democracy, and not Cheryl Coleman.  The movement for reform, change, and accountability was pushed by Dr. Morgan and not Cheryl Coleman who still doesn't fully understand what it will take to achieve our goals in this arena and is, obviously,   without a clue in how to improve academically.  

Dr. Morgan has taken a Chicago Public School off academic probation in his role as principal and he can certainly help better in taking school district 227 off academic probation as school board president than a Cheryl Coleman who is without an understanding in that process and is now blocking school board policies on the agenda to deny the school improvement process.  Restoration of democracy and academic improvement is what the so-called new reform school board had promised the community, but after the election is now backing out.  The real reason is because they were really never for improvement and restoration of academic success as they had promised in the first place, but was using these popular positions to identify with Dr. Morgan in an effort to win an office.  This is not about children or the community, but only about them and their pursuit of private power.

Item Number 2:220 of the Rich Township High School District 227 Board Policy Manual states that "Items submitted by Board of Education members to the Superintendent shall be placed on the agenda. District community residents may suggest inclusion for the agenda." Right now Cheryl Coleman is holding up the process of school improvement by obstructing the progressive community's move to put continuous improvement school board policies on the school board agenda which will establish a supportive foundation and  framework for students to learn and achieve at the highest possible levels.  This is not the school reform that Cheryl Coleman pretended to push for with Dr. Morgan during the election.  In fact, behind closed doors and secretly with the new school board members, she has never supported Dr. Morgan in the process of school improvement.

For  over four years, Dr. Morgan has kept the community informed.   It was these principles of restoration of democracy and academic success that he has pushed  that won the so-called reform school board the election on April 9, 2013. 

According to our board policy manual (2:150 Citizen Advisory Committees) " has been used to interpret needs to the community and to gather information from the community."  In our superintendent selection process, the school board has used superintendent selection committees to involve the community in the superintendent selection process.  At this time, the community nor the full board has been involved in this essential process.  This is unlawful.   In regards to due process, school board policy 7:130 maintains that "All students are entitled to enjoy the rights protected by the U.S. Constitution, the  Illinois Constitution and laws for persons of their age and mentality in a school settings."

Denial of due process cannot be tolerated by anyone on this school board, whether we are the majority or minority board.  Due process is a fundamental constitutional guarantee that students accused will have a fair and impartial hearing before the school board and will be given notice to bring support and legal representation before the school board acts to take away one's rights to a quality education.  The constitutional guarantee of due process of law, found in both our school board policy handbook as well as in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, prohibits the school board majority from arbitrarily, capriciously, and unfairly depriving student or the full board of their basic constitutional rights of life, liberty, and due process.  Dr. Morgan understands and follows this essential process in school board-community deliberations and is urging everyone on the school board to do likewise.

Today, for the first time ever, the full board is not being informed on what is going on in the school district when emergencies occur and are non-participants in our rights to our most sacred and essential roles, the essential first steps in the process of selecting, interviewing, hiring, evaluating, and/or firing a superintendent.  With the full board, before October 8, 2013, Cheryl Coleman  has avoided meeting with the full board and then the  community to address riots at Rich Central and Rich South High Schools or to meet to address our traditional summer planning at the Holiday Inn using IASB facilitators in the process.  We are not so much concerned about who the facilitators should be as we are about a fundamental process in board planning that Cheryl Coleman has ignored and neglected as not important just as she is today blocking input of the school board in all areas of our community's affairs and in the business of the school board. 

This year, for the first time ever, we have not met in our traditional forum with the Illinois Association of School Boards to address board self evaluation and to discuss how we plan to move forward in the next school year.  When we fail to plan and be proactive, we are planning to fail.  Today, we are still not meeting as a full school board to address anything and Cheryl Coleman is now meeting with everyone except the full school board.  This is sociopathic behavior.  Superintendent selection is only the responsibility of the school board. It begins with the full school board and ends with the full school board making an informed decision, after input from the full community,  in selecting a highly qualified, effective, transformative, visionary leader with a record of success.

Today, the role of the full board only in interviewing, selecting, evaluating and/or firing a superintendent is legend.  It Is part of both our board policy and of our state and national laws.  At this time, the board chair, Cheryl Coleman, is  conducting  secret superintendent interviews with only two board members while excluding Dr. Morgan as well as the full board.  Dr. Morgan, who has an earned doctorate in Educational Leadership and has taught principals and superintendents at the nation's colleges and universities should be considered the expert in what a great superintendent looks like.  Rather than using his tremendous knowledge, experience, and talents in school administration, he has been shut out of this most significant and transformative process by Cheryl Coleman as well as the full board. Only the full school board, the community's chosen representatives, has the full responsibility in interviewing,  and selecting the superintendent with community input.   No one else is legally allowed to perform this function.  Additionally, the community who has a stake in this process has also been excluded again by Cheryl Coleman.

This is not true reform, a reformed mentality of improved student performance levels, and the change that the community has asked for.  To  understand true reform, true change, and demonstrate a true interest in moving our district forward, we must both understand, practice, and have knowledge, skills, and belief in processes, planning, meeting as a full school board, change and reform.  Having a board chair without this belief, the importance of communicating with the full board whether we agree or disagree, and certainly not the knowledge, skills, and resources in understanding true reforms rather than just cosmetics, is truly not reform.  Rather, it is a formula for continuing disaster, and of what we saw on September 30, 2013, as the full school board was not informed from the district administrative offices of what had gone on, which is our traditional practice.

Mrs. Shelia Hester Friday

School Board Member and Independent

Rich Township High School District 227





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Outlined below are the policies that are already in place in the District 227 Board Policy Manual, but should be followed by our school board to succeed and move forward. These are the same policies that informed community members have pushed for in district 227 that are already established in our District Board Policy Manual. Without meeting, planning in continuous accountability, academic improvement, and in moving forward with full board and without district accountability measures in place, we are continuing to move backward with delaying tactics.

Today, more than ever before, to seize this golden opportunity of a life time in our school district's  history to help our children, as a school board we need a training and learning curve that moves upward rather than downward and backward. The District Board Policy Manual presented here, which are in bold and underlined font, is also cited with the supporting Board 227 Policy Continuous Improvement Agreements that are already established in our school district but are not being followed or adhered to by the present board.

Today, in the absence of planning with essential steps needed for the next school year and with almost half of the school year already over, we need a school board summit in-service training event now in addressing and learning about our roles and responsibilities as board members to move our district forward. All superintendents that we have interviewed have indicated that board 227 training in continuous improvement development must take place and will make all the difference in our ability, as a school board, to move forward. We must be trained how to take next steps forward in student achievement, and in supportive continuous improvement board policies.  According to District 227 Board of Education Board Policy Manual, Item # 2:200, "Any Board Member may request the withdrawal of any items under the consent agenda for independent consideration. Items submitted by Board of Education members to the Superintendent or the President shall be placed on the agenda." 



With business as usual, The Continuous Improvement recommended policies that the progressive community has asked for almost five years ago have still not been placed on the board 227 agenda through the presidency of Brunson, Norwood, Owens, and now Cheryl Coleman.  This school year, we have not met in our summer planning and board self evaluation meeting to plan for the 2013-2014 school year and next month will be November. 


Talk, collaboration, full board deliberation, and planning for the next school year empowers and becomes action. In the absence of meeting with a plan, we cannot move forward.  To plan and have a vision requires us, the school board, to make a plan to achieve a vision with necessary first action steps addressing who, how, where, when and what dates in place to act in achieving the planned vision. For any plan to work, a school board must meet, monitor, assess, and work the plan. Without a strategic implementation plan in place to continually reviewing and monitoring it, we cannot succeed. With it, and the board training that we need, we cannot fail. According to District 227 Board Policy Manual, Items #2:120 for School District Governance, for Board 227 under the title of Board Member Development states: "The Board of Education desires that its individual members learn, understand, and practice effective governance principles. The Board is responsible for member orientation and development. Board members have an equal opportunity to attend state and national meetings designed to familiarize members with public school issues, governance, and legislation. The Board President and/or Superintendent shall provide all Board members with information regarding pertinent materials, publications, and notices of training or development in Board Self Evaluation Orientation.


Board Self Evaluation: The Board will conduct periodic self-evaluation with the goal of continuous improvement. New Board Member Orientation: The following steps are taken to orient newly elected or appointed Board of Education members: (1) The Board President or designee shall arrange a meeting with new Board members for the purpose of explaining and answering questions about Board processes and procedures. (2) The Superintendent or designee shall give each new Board member online access to the helpful information including material explaining the Board of Education's roles and responsibilities. (3) The Board President may request a veteran Board member to mentor a new member. (4) New members are encouraged to attend workshops for new members conducted by the Illinois Association of School Boards.

 We need a school board who is trained in school governance, understands the significance of communication, full board deliberation, addressing our need for board training independently of whether the community or superintendent pushes for it or not. But many of our community leaders are beginning to push for a school board training school improvement plan. We need a school board who understands that board self evaluation and planning for the next school year, which we have not done this past summer for the first time ever, is absolutely essential to move forward. This is the board's role and responsibility. We need a school board who understands that we must lead in taking first steps in improving student performance levels, then lead the school district in this process with outside consultants addressing the FIVE MISSING ESSENTIALS in district 227 in collaborative-deliberative leadership of administration, teachers, effective instruction, a positive school climate environment, and community and parent engagement. In regards to Communications To and From the Board, The District 227 Board Policy Manual states in (item #2:40) in regards to "Staff members, parents, and community members" that "The Superintendent shall provide the Board with a summary of questions or communications and provide, as appropriate, his or her feedback regarding the matter."

Our District 227 Policy Manual further states (in item # 6:15) under instruction and School Accountability and Quality Assurance that: "The Board of education continuously monitors student achievement and the quality of the District's work. The Superintendent shall supervise the following quality assurance components, in accordance with State Board of Education rules by:

(1)    Preparing each school's annual application and quality assurance appraisal, whether internal or external, to monitor each school's process for continuous school improvement. (2) Submitting School Improvement Plans for Board Approval that comply with State law and contain: (a) District 227 Learning objectives;   (b) Assessment systems for measuring (onthly or five week) students' progress in the fundamental learning areas; and (c) Reporting systems (monthly or five week assessments) for informing the community and the State of assessment results. (3) Continuously monitoring whether the District and its schools are making adequate yearly progress as defined by State law. (4) If the District or any of its schools fail to make adequate yearly progress, the Superintendent shall take the actions provided in State Law. The Superintendent shall seek the board of Education's approval when necessary. (5)... The Superintendent shall make regular (monthly or five week assessments) to the Board, including projections whether the District and each school will be making adequate yearly progress as defined in State law.

Every board member must be included in our significant planned movement forward to help our children and to protect our schools and community from further ruin. Right now, this is not being done and only three people are sitting at the superintendent selection table with school administration who should never sit there, but only the full board. Only the full board and not the school administration, whom we hire, can sit at the superintendent selection table. The fact that this is not being done are some of the many reasons why the full school board must be trained.

 The school administration sitting at the superintendent selection and interviewing table and not the full board sitting there, which is our job to do, is illegal and won't fly in this school district or anywhere in America. If everyone, beginning with the full board is to vote in support of improving student achievement performance levels, superintendent selection with full board and community input while respecting everyone, then the full school board must be included in informed decision-making, full board deliberation and listening and respecting everyone's point of view in the process of school improvement and superintendent selection, etc. Today, only two of the board chair's favorite board members are involved in this essential full board only process, and with no community stake-holders involved in this process. This is a formula for continuing disaster and ruin to our schools and community. 

Every prospective superintendent that we have contacted or interviewed in the past have agreed that this school board desperately needs essential board training in understanding their significant governance roles in improving student performance levels, and that if selected as superintendent, they would help the school board in moving forward by insuring that the board  is trained to do its job well. Without this essential board training process, the school board is woefully unprepared in any other process that they don't understand and we cannot succeed. With it, we cannot fail. Without this essential training is the reason that we are still no longer moving forward, academically.

 If every school board member need to vote in supporting student achievement in informed deliberations and decision making, then every board member must be included since it appears that no one at the school district or on the school board understand the value and significance of ECRA, the data decision making group, in moving forward. By September 2013, ECRA had waited for four months while the school district administrative office delayed in providing it the essential data it needed from the district office to begin helping us. With this delay in lack of pro-action and planning, our school year began in August with a similar delay in deciding what our school district goals should be in moving forward. This is unfathomable. This is not a proactive formula for success, but rather the same delaying-no-planning-no-full-board-lack-of-vision-formula for school failure that we have known for twenty years in school district 227.

Since ECRA has waited for four months while the district administrative office has delayed the essential student achievement data that ECRA needs to move forward in helping us, this is almost November, and the ECRA data-decision-making project to be shared by the whole board, district, and community on our school board website, in the front entrance of the three high schools, and in other venues is not being accomplished. Unlike the school board, ECRA's intent was to have the data in May for the school board, district community to be informed on our progress moving forward beginning in August. ECRA needed to be up and running at the beginning of the school year and providing the district and staff the essential summative data in the various summative assessment measures it needs to move forward and to help our children has still not been accomplished and soon half of the school year will be behind us.

 As a result of delaying tactics, we had to wait for four months to learn that the other essential data component that ECRA has assumed to provide, the FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT data which provided essential five week assessment data would not be provided by ECRA. Since then, we have hired another FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FIRM to replace ECRA's lack, but the board as monitor nor the board chair of Continuous Improvement, who should report to the school board on formative assessment progress monthly, has not been informed or provided the details or any knowledge of this FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Program by the school district. Without knowledge, data, and information for planning and decision making in full board deliberation in planning and moving forward with focus, we cannot move forward or succeed.

Because of errors of omission and commission on the part of the district administration and the school board's acquiescence in delaying tactics, we are not receiving any of the intended benefits that ECRA can bring to our student and school district, while the school year is almost half over. In fact, as we continue to engage in delaying tactics in declining to meet with ECRA in our last planned meeting, that was planned almost a month ago, ECRA's program is still not up and running because as in the past, the school board through it lack of pro-action, planning for the future, and meeting with the full board to determine next steps in moving forward, we are in reactive mode already in moving backward rather than remaining proactive in moving forward. Because of lack of training and knowledge of our significant roles, the school board is still on shut down in communication, deliberations, limitations, controlling and blocking others who want to move forward, school improvement, and without any efforts or initiatives, knowledge in moving forward, or desire in moving forward. This is indeed unfortumate.

With traditional stagnation, lack of planning by the full board in moving forward, that we have seen for twenty years on the school board, we will continue to remain reactive in putting out fires in the absence of common sense planning and having a real effective security and academic action plan. Both board, and administration, who should be leading continuous academic improvement efforts but are not, must lead the district in accountability as employees in this movement.


If we are to succeed, we need effective leadership that will inform our community of the effective steps being taken to be successful, not continue to hide in secrecy and non-transparency as the previous board did and do nothing. In fact, the head, our so-called school board leadership who is not working with the full board at all, but with others, is being led by the district rather than the board and allowing its employees to determine whether or not we will move forward in accountability. This has been the practice in this school district for over twenty years now. Without accountability and understanding of our significant roles as board members, we cannot move forward in holding ourselves accountable first, and then holding the district accountable beginning with the superintendent whom we hire, should monitor and evaluate but still don't, and insure that continuous academic improvement progress is moving forward..

Today, to move forward this school board desperately needs the essential school board training in what constitutes school improvement, systems thinking, vision, standards, understanding of measurable objectives required to reach the goal and looking at them on a monthly basis then meeting with the superintendent to address student achievement, the significance of formative assessment in reviewing measurable objectives in moving forward academically, a profile of what constitutes board accountability, the all binding significance of communication and full board deliberation, collaboration and community engagement, our basic constitutional and human rights as both board members and citizens, effective educational leadership skills, instructional effectiveness, understanding what continuous academic improvement looks like and the essential board policies that must be approved and established to support it.

 The board must understand what their duties and essential roles are as board members if we are to move forward in school improvement and student achievement. That's why effective school board members who have created effective school districts, who are on the front lines of public education, are better trained, more prepared, and deeply engaged in the work being done to improve and turn around our schools. The board is responsible for putting in place the proper keystones for students to learn and achieve at the highest possible levels. The fundamental agenda of school board members must be raising student achievement levels with approval and establishment of the supportive continuous academic improvement board policies and engaging the community to achieve that goal. At this time, none of this is being done but we must begin now to save our children.


David E. Morgan, Ph.D., Educational Leadership

School Board Member & Chair of Continuous Evaluation Planning Committee

Rich Township High School District 227

Olympia Fields, Illinois   6-0461










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Friday, October 11, 2013


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Black Collaboration in Promoting and Maintaining Discrimination in Hiring in District 227: This Contributes to Low Test Scores in failing Black Majority Student Population


On April 9, 2013, the people who voted elected 2 new board members, Antoine Bass and Dr. Delores Woods. Both were relatively unknown having little or no participation in District 227 education of our youth.


To overcome this lack of name recognition and non-involvement, both paid money to Country Club Hills Mayor Dwight Welch to appear on his "punch card" receiving Welch's endorsement.

It is reported that similar deals were made with the Mayor of Park Forest, possibly the mayor of Richton Park, as well as with the Rich Township Democratic party organization headed by Tim Bradford. Also, the Rich Township Education Association [teacher's union] endorsed Woods and Bass.


These endorsements have political and practical implications which directly impact negatively on the delivery of education to our youth as they carry significant importance to the endorsers' hopes of getting their agenda's through the new board.


Now I voted for "change", although I didn't get enough votes to win a seat on this board, making sure my potential election would be blocked was a "main" condition agreed to by the 2 new board members [Woods and Bass] for gaining the support of the politicians mentioned above.


I voted for "substantive change" by that I mean a change in policy, practices and direction from the previous 12 year reign of terror under the Owens, Norwood, Brunson regimes. Now the new board to its credit started to make "organizational change" from the superintendent on down. But that was only cosmetic----not substantive change, and here is why.


A new direction can only begin with a change at the top in the superintendent's seat. But with that organizational change [and the other changes] must also come a change in mentality or thinking.


For example, under the Owens regime, people got hired based on word of mouth, who they knew on the board or staff----not on what they knew or any life experience, credentials, or competency in the particular area being hired. [Credentials]


A change in thinking [mentality] means we hire based on what the candidate knows, demonstrated history/experience in the area [record] and what credentials they bring. Are they the best fit for our district's economic, educational, social/community needs and demographics?


A change in mentality is illustrated further by the words of former Interim superintendent of District 227, Dr. Griff Powell, who said publicly at a school board meeting and was quoted in the a local newspaper that "a district's staff should reflect the community it serves, from superintendent down to food service workers."


Towards achieving that end, this school board has a long ways to go. We are a District that is 98 percent Black, according to the most recent school report card. However, our teaching staff and other support staff is 85 percent Caucasian. Nearly 99 percent of that staff lives in communities composed totally opposite of our school population and taxpaying communities.                                                                                                 


When I speak publicly about the federal and state guidelines re: racial disparities and inequities in hiring in District 227, some whites and Blacks get uncomfortable and attempt to label me and discredit the facts of which I speak. But I am not bamboozled or intimidated with such antiquated tactics.


Neither are the young people who are forced to live under this imbalance everyday at each campus. But when the majority teachers union speaks about race and funds a study about it, attempts to discredit them, their leaders and the issue are not conducted by those who criticize me.


["Climate Report July 15, 2009" in depth report refused by Hunigan Owens regime on FOIA request] Protect the union and its members from accountability to the taxpayers, citizens, students, parents of District 227]


When members of the new board majority, hire people based on who they know, the "practice" is as wrong "now" as when the previous majority board did it.


When the new board majority says they require people with experience, then hire people with "no" experience in the area hired, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it.


When members of the new board majority hire a failed principal who had accepted another position at a District in the far western suburbs, creates a new position and gives them a pay raise, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it. [if they did]

[Note: old board created position of police liaison for Norwood crony, Motten)


When the new board majority locks a fellow board member out of meeting or speaking with district office personnel at the district office, and other hiring processes, as was previously done to Ms. Coleman under the Owens/Leak regime, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it.


When the new majority board refuses to allow "ALL" qualified applicants for a position to have an interview, using a smoke screen that the applicant "didn't apply online" when in fact they had, and interviews only 2 applicants, 1 of which only 3 members of the board majority previously decided they wanted to have the job, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it.


When the new board majority practices race based, sex based, viewpoint based, who you know based discrimination in hiring, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it.


When the new board majority "talks" about transparency and accountability, then allows a Owens regime district employee holdover to stay on our payroll, then is caught shredding a credit card which could be evidence in a possible criminal probe of corruption in our District, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it.


When the new school board majority wants only praise of its conduct from supporters but punishes those same supporters who may have any criticism, the "practice" is as wrong now, as when the previous majority board did it.


I was threatened by a supporter of the new board majority in a phone call late one evening. Asked if I was still working and had enough money to pay my bills among other condescending, arrogant, demeaning and backwards remarks.

I interpreted this call as an effort to discourage me from coming here and making my statement about the criticisms of our new majority board and to convey a threat.


The caller took "personal" credit for all the 2400 votes I received in the April 2013 election, and assured me he wouldn't support me in the future, which makes me question whether the support was there in the first place.


Well, I don't know who put this individual with some power up to calling me, but I can tell all under the sound of my voice, here tonight, that


I fear no man and I only fear the living God who has bought me from a mighty long ways; when I was down He lifted me up; when I was lied on, talked about, lied to in my face and stabbed in the back by the same people, mis-understood, deliberately had my words twisted by my enemies both among my own people and the local press---God stood by me and said to me in these struggles, trials and troubles, keep standing cause "no weapon formed against you" shall prosper.


The bible says "God plus one is the majority" "Touch not my anointed and do my servants no harm"


"That whatsoever man sows, that shall he also reap"


It's time for those on our new school board majority to abandon and end the system of Apartheid thinking/mentality in their minds, which has produced Apartheid South African style policies, practices, hiring, reasoning, culture, excuse making, and inferior education forced on our children over the past 2 and ½ generations in this District and in the school systems of the South Suburbs.


"Substantive Change" is changing your minds and your way of thinking. Only then can you change direction, set new policy, practices and produce a high quality and caliber education worthy of the brilliance and genius of our youth.


Firing Leak and company was "cosmetic" change---- not substantive.


Hiring people with no demonstrated record or competence in turning around a single school or district is more of the same failure of the past 20 years only under new names----but the game is still the same.


Hiring people unilaterally without all seven board members having substantive input "before"

asking for each members "vote"----is more of the same pattern of planned failure of the past 20 years under the previous board majority only under new names-----but the game is still the same.


Choosing to deny applicants an interview for any position based on sex and/or viewpoint prejudices and discrimination, is more of the same pattern of planned cronyism/nepotism/corruption as was practiced by the previous majority board under new names-----but the game is still the same.


Cutting off communications with supporters or non-supporters who may have valid criticisms of the current majority board, is more of the same pattern of tuning out any dissent and the community as was done under the previous board and now under new names-----but the game is still the same.




Komaa Mnyofu

Parent, Community Activist, Analyst, and Social Critic

Rich Township High School District 227

Matteson, Illinois









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Mr. Antoine Bass and has reported that allegations and announcements, in his efforts to get elected, made alleging "payments to appear on punch tickets of Dwight Welch" and others are untrue and unfounded as follows:


"To overcome this lack of name recognition and non-involvement, both paid money to Country Club Hills Mayor Dwight Welch to appear on his "punch card" receiving Welch's endorsement."

"It is reported that similar deals were made with the Mayor of Park Forest, possibly the mayor of Richton Park, as well as with the Rich Township Democratic party organization headed by Tim Bradford. "



David. Morgan

School Board Member

District 227

Olympia Fields, Illinois   60461








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