Saturday, February 16, 2013


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After attending many meetings of the Rich Township High School District 227, I have concluded that this board is dysfunctional, self-serving and lacking in dedication to overseeing the school system and allowing the quality of education to deteriorate to the point that the majority of students are not meeting state or national standards. Our children deserve better than that. As Black children, society batters them around, neglects, overlooks and denies them as many opportunities that they can.


Though I don't think Our President is perfect and I don't see eye to eye on every decision he makes, he is Our President. Better than most of the presidencies that I have lived under since Herbert Hoover, President Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents America has ever known. If Our President is disrespected, who attended some of the most prestigious universities in the world, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School where he became president of the Harvard Law Review, a covetous and highly competitive post, what do you think society will think of our children who are receiving a mediocre education?


I am; therefore, endorsing the following four who deserve our vote on April 9, 2013 in the upcoming school board election. They are as follows: Dr. David Morgan (for retention), Dr. Delores Woods, Mr. Komaa Mnyofu and Antoine Bass.


We must get rid of ALL incumbents, some have served for 20 years being fiscally irresponsible engaging in wasteful and excessive spending not at all related to expenditures that benefit the students. Look at that white elephant of an administration building costing in excess of 6 million dollars used exclusively during business hours for administration and some committee meetings that don't benefit or enhance or improve the quality of education delivered to the students.


As the very first Black member of the Flossmoor Board of Education, School District 161, serving 3 consecutive terms from 1972 to 1981, I left because I was appointed by a Republican governor to the Illinois State Board of Education. Each time I was endorsed by the Star Newspaper, now the Southtown Star. In addition to these boards of education, I served on the IL Humanities Council and was a proposal reader for the National Endowment for the Humanities. I also served on the committee to rewrite the social studies curriculum for the State of Illinois. Additionally, I served as the only female and the only Black person to serve on the Governor's Task Force for Medical Malpractice. As a member of the Board of Directors of the DuSable Museum of African American History, I founded the Women's Board of the DuSable Museum.


I tell you this because as a community activist, I don't take responsibility lightly and I don't lend my name to causes lightly. Because my board involvement is so extensive, I did not list all of them.


 Because I know what good boardsmanship is and can be, that is why I'm endorsing the above listed candidates. We must block vote in order to get a solid coalition to fight for our children to get a quality education which will determine their future success or failure.

Helen L. Burleson, Doctor of Public Administration


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