Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The New School Board of April 9, 2013 will be frugal in working to keep tyranny out of government

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November  20, 2012 

November  20, 2012


The New School Board of April 9, 2013 will be frugal in working to keep tyranny out of government


School board 227, who was last seen looking out for itself, continues to foolishly wage tax payer costly legal battles against our parents and community in violating our First Amendment Freedoms fighting our community in court. Since the funds being wasted are our tax dollars that should go toward hiring more teachers and improving our schools, the board majority doesn't care about that. There is no point in continuing to fight our parents and community in court in an effort to re-enslave us. After foolishly wasting our tax dollars fighting our community, private individuals will still be free to celebrate our freedoms as Americans, democratically participate in the internal affairs of our community, and vote in a new school board who cares about our children, schools, tax dollars, and our community's future on April 9, 2013.


School board 227's policies are anti-democratic participation, anti-students, anti-progress, anti-parents, anti-community involvement and anti-life. Muzzling our parents, community and targeted board members, failing to evaluate district progress and hold itself and the district accountable, preventing us from collaboratively solving district 227's problems through civil-two-way-with-feedback-dialogue, and violating our First Amendment Freedoms is both voter fraud and election fraud. As the board majority continues to spend millions of our tax payer dollars fighting our parents and community, today we simply cannot afford to waste any more of our tax dollars on violations-of-our-First-Amendment-Freedoms-Lawsuits against community and targeted board members that we simply cannot win.


Have you ever worked on a job where the leader never checked to see if you were doing your job? In the almost four years that I've been on this school board, despite our recommendations, begging, and pleading to do so, we have not met once as a board to do our job of performing a professionally developed data-driven continuous district evaluation which is state law. Then meet with the superintendent to explain our written results. An objective and data-driven full board evaluation meeting is even more essential in a district that has been on probation and has not made Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) in over a decade.


 More than anything, the unaccountable and nontransparent board majority, who hogs all the seats at the union-board-negotiating-table while giving away the storehouse and shutting out targeted board members, has made sure that its most significant board duty of evaluation which drives accountability, instruction, and student achievement, will not take place in the district among their hired employees of family and friends.


But saving our children and community is not about the school board. Rather, it is about an effective school board that will take its seat on April 9, 2013 that can take responsibility for our children and our community's future.


The new school board on April 9, 2013 will not be about taking away more of our freedoms. Rather, it will be about investing in our community as collaborative partners in improving our schools. The new school board who will encourage community participation will not waste any more of our tax payers dollars fighting a losing battle in court that it cannot win.  Rather, it will work to keep tyranny out of government.


This is all about taking more of our freedoms away and it has ticked off our community more than anything else. The new school board's decision not to erect any more barriers to public participation in solving our problems will be the right course of action. On April 9, 2013, we can reclaim our freedom to be successful and move forward. Meanwhile, the school board attorneys who are witnessing blacks trying to re-enslave other blacks are laughing all the way to the bank.



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