Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Medill Watch Dog Group at Northwestern University: About this Project

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The Medill Watch Dog Group at Northwestern University: About this Project



Few things matter as much to a working democracy as transparency. Citizens have to be able to find out as much as they can about what their government is doing, and why, if government "by the people" means anything.


That logic fueled us at Medill Watchdog, where we are dedicated to exploring and exposing issues that can help democracy work better.

Last year, we began studying all the ways that democracy around Chicagoland suffers from opaqueness. And we redoubled our efforts to do something about it.


The project was launched as a Medill/News21 project, under a generous grant from the Knight Foundation as part of the Carnegie-Knight Initiative for the Future of Journalism Education. With further support from the generosity of the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and Medill alum Mark Ferguson, Medill Watchdog undertook an intense examination of issues of transparency around Chicagoland.

As Medill Watchdog began exploring issues of open government around Chicagoland, we discovered recurring issues surrounding government institutions' willingness to be open - exactly the kind of issue we live for here at Medill Watchdog. Among our findings:

  • Residents in most counties in Illinois have to visit their county clerk to examine whether any of the top officials in local governments have conflicts of interest. Most counties so far have simply failed to accept the idea of collecting and putting the statements of economic interests filled out by their officials online, even if Cook County offers them the tools to do so.


  • So a group of Medill Watchdog interns spent weeks in the office of the DuPage County Clerk, copying data from the forms filed out there so that we could create online the forms that DuPage retains on paper in Wheaton. Once we had gathered the forms, we partnered with the Knight Lab to examine ways to extract data from the hand-written forms, and then to create a user-friendly tool for residents to be informed.
  • The state Freedom of Information Act may be a fine law; but laws only are as good as how they are implemented. Many citizens file FOIA requests seeking the simplest of information, only to find recalcitrant public officials unwilling to help. And in the worst cases, like Mary Lynn Zajdel in Lisle, residents end up feeling victims of intimidation if they try too hard to get the truth.
  • Frustrated citizens sometimes find that becoming active doesn't accomplish what they hoped in terms of access. In several local boards across southern Cook County, residents get involved and ultimately run for office, only to find - if successful - that the majority may create hurdles to keep their newly elected colleagues from learning too much.
  • And one agency in particular - the DuPage Forest Preserve - seemed to embody just how badly things can go in terms of transparency. As good government groups fought for openness in the agency operations, citizens complained of trouble getting information, and even volunteers at Forest Preserve agencies felt harassed if they publicly spoke of problems they witnessed.

Medill interns took on these issues of transparency with gusto. Quarters came and went, but still their research - including the efforts to build, with Knight Lab help, a way for citizens in DuPage to review the data we collected - continued. That hard work has paid off, and the interns managed to piece together their stories to expose ways that open government is hampered around Chicagloand.


Special thanks to Kari Lydersen, who came in as research associate at Medill Watchdog and embraced this project. Also thanks to John Sullivan, former assistant director, who spent energy helping students on this project before he left the program. And tremendous thanks, again, to the Knight Lab, for designing a tool to help us extract data off the thousands of hand-written paper forms we had gathered; and then for helping us design a way to display both the data, and the journalism, for you.


We consider the product of the interns' dedicated work - exposing institutional flaws that hamper democracy, and making data available to the public - to be a good reminder of what Medill Watchdog was born to do.

- Rick Tulsky


Rich Township 227 Coalition for Better Schools


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Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:21 AM
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Rich Township Board Meeting Tonight

District Office 20550 So. Cicero

Open Meeting - 7:00pm

You may watch the board meetings from the comfort of you own homes (LIVE)  

1. Google Dist. 227 home page

2. You will see the home page like above

3. Look in the lower right corner orange box for live viewing 
(the line item to click on will not appear until the meeting is about to start)

Have a Great Day!
Rich Township 227 Coalition for Better Schools


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Response to Rainbow Push Letter

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Subject: Response to Letter from Rainbow Push

I am disappointed in the position Rev Jesse Jackson Sr has taken on this. There are a lot of people who fought and fight for the freedom and opportunities we have today, although, many of those same people have turned a blind eye to the negative aspects that plague our communities and schools. 

We can not always fight for the past, when the future is dying!

Why is it no one solicits public help to garner initiatives around the children?

And... is the fight external as it was in the past, or more internal at this point relative to the communal makeup?

The concern should not be when the situation has deteriorated to the point of no return as a result of public squander, but when there is an opportunity to course correct the problems before the appropriate actions are taken.

If any board member or staff are in violation, consequences should ensue as they would in many other areas (private business sector) and whatever the appropriate applicable action is.

There has been no community building or clear actionable items to counteract the decline of the school district, involve the parents and students and a road map of progress to improve the students test scores (the right way) to academic excellence.

The actions this board is taking is the "right" thing to do if applicable, and it is dis-tasteful for someone to cry at the feet of a political leader when performance issues they created are a direct and immediate response of who they work for.

It is not about saving their high paying jobs, it is not about hiring your friends and family, it is not about having 
agendas that have no measurable success, it is not about having political ties for gains, it is not about covering up for people who are not performing....

It is about the CHILDREN!

Whatever we must do to turn this around, can not wait until an unknown tomorrow, but NOW. We must all be committed to progressing our communities and our children's futures forward-not digressing it.

In closing, whatever the decision of this board is, which is obviously to address poor performance/performance issues, we should stand by them and ensure we the parents do our parts as well to make sure we are 100% behind the people who are committed to making things right, projecting the correct image(and walking it) and of course correcting the educational environment that has plagued the district for way too long!

I stand by those individuals who obviously are committed to exactly what is needed-CHANGE. Not later, but NOW!


Community Member of the Village of Matteson



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Response to Rainbow Push Letter

June 21, 2013

Subject: Response to Letter from Rainbow Push

I am disappointed in the position Rev Jesse Jackson Sr has taken on this. There are a lot of people who fought and fight for the freedom and opportunities we have today, although, many of those same people have turned a blind eye to the negative aspects that plague our communities and schools. 

We can not always fight for the past, when the future is dying!

Why is it no one solicits public help to garner initiatives around the children?

And... is the fight external as it was in the past, or more internal at this point relative to the communal makeup?

The concern should not be when the situation has deteriorated to the point of no return as a result of public squander, but when there is an opportunity to course correct the problems before the appropriate actions are taken.

If any board member or staff are in violation, consequences should ensue as they would in many other areas (private business sector) and whatever the appropriate applicable action is.

There has been no community building or clear actionable items to counteract the decline of the school district, involve the parents and students and a road map of progress to improve the students test scores (the right way) to academic excellence.

The actions this board is taking is the "right" thing to do if applicable, and it is dis-tasteful for someone to cry at the feet of a political leader when performance issues they created are a direct and immediate response of who they work for.

It is not about saving their high paying jobs, it is not about hiring your friends and family, it is not about having 
agendas that have no measurable success, it is not about having political ties for gains, it is not about covering up for people who are not performing....

It is about the CHILDREN!

Whatever we must do to turn this around, can not wait until an unknown tomorrow, but NOW. We must all be committed to progressing our communities and our children's futures forward-not digressing it.

In closing, whatever the decision of this board is, which is obviously to address poor performance/performance issues, we should stand by them and ensure we the parents do our parts as well to make sure we are 100% behind the people who are committed to making things right, projecting the correct image(and walking it) and of course correcting the educational environment that has plagued the district for way too long!

I stand by those individuals who obviously are committed to exactly what is needed-CHANGE. Not later, but NOW!


Community Member of the Village of Matteson

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shelia Friday: "The latest is that the majority members of the board intend to terminate Dr. Leak this Friday. "

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Shelia Friday: "The latest is that the majority members of the board intend to terminate Dr. Leak this Friday. "



Rebuttal: It's against the code of ethics to discuss and release personnel information to the press of a board employee who is still employed and that is not published or FOIA'ed. The lesson learned is that there is a difference in releasing a contract because it is FOIAable and not someone's personal data. The board had nothing to do with the behavior above and it's an embarrassment that one member found it ok to do.


Shelia Friday: "At least one of the board members have not evaluated Dr. Leak since she has been on the Board. A second member of the BOE evaluated her only once in the past two years. "


Rebuttal: Truth is, before the school board election of April 9, 2013, Dr Morgan and Mrs. Coleman were the only two who have sought to hold the district accountable in superintendent evaluation, to advocate for children and the school district community, to evaluate the school district in a professional data-driven continuous improvement process, with measurable goals, which has not been done in almost two decades. As a board we have not set goals for the district for at least two years, question is HOW DID THEY EVALUATE THE DISTRICT? Truth is, without measurable goals and following a regular process to review student achievement data to ensure continuous improvement, they didn't.


Shelia Friday: "It is obvious that some board members have a vendetta against Dr. Leak has 4 years left on her contract. This will be a very costly lawsuit."


Rebuttal: The word lawsuit was mentioned about a half dozen times. It is nothing personal about the facts presented to us as board members in closed session. Shelia jumped to conclusions without having all the facts which could only be provided in closed session.


Shelia Friday: "This board cancelled the contract of a newly hired HR Director and replaced him with a supporter/friend of Cheryl Coleman and Dr. Morgan. "


Rebuttal: The truth is Shelia Friday also replaced the HR Director with our supporter/highly qualified employee. However what she should have said is she supported the best qualified candidate who has an abundance of successful experience as an educational leader with a record of excellence in public education. Come out and meet the interim HR at the next board meeting June 20, 2013. If she is a friend and a supporter of ours then she's a friend and supporter of Shelia because Shelia voted for her just as we did.


Shelia Friday: "They concluded that the new HR Director's contract was null and void because it did not include performance standards (however it was clearly stated that the standards would be developed within 3 month of signing the contract)."


Rebuttal: Phil Kadner of the Southtown Star in the spring of 2010 referred to the board majority, who refused to do their job in a data-driven-accountability evaluation driven process, at the time as being  "One of the most incompetent public bodies in Illinois". How are you going to add something to a contract once it's signed? Coleman was stated in the Southtown Star that, "Performance based contracts need measurable goals according to the Federal Courts that found School District 159 Supt. Ronald Wynn's contract void In the 2011 case of Wynn vs. Board of Education."


Shelia Friday: "Assistant Superintendent of Operations. Again the Board as a whole did not decide to create this position. "


Rebuttal: The board does not get involved into the day to day operations of the district. We sit as a board and challenge their recommendations for its fiscal, instructional, and educational soundness. What guide did the previous majority board use to select Jerry Thomas Public Relations. However, every position must come before the full board for approval and it is the school board who holds the purse string to finance every position.  No hidden public relation positions should be hidden in our budget without the full knowledge and approval of the full school board. For the full board, not to be consulted for approval of any position is unlawful and illegal.


Shelia Friday: "Any action that Dr. Leak makes or have taken was at the direction of the board and were in place long before she became superintendent. "


Rebuttal: As indicated earlier, the aforementioned statement is untrue. As advocates for children, we have fought against the party of "No to evaluation, No to student achievement, No to denying the full board and community our right to public participation at open public school board forums, freedom of speech, No to lack of public accountability, No to non-transparency and lack of integrity, and student academic performance", a previous board majority who has refused to come to the table to reason together, to talk about evaluation first and its significance, and then do evaluation,  to be collaborative, open and transparent about how our money is being spent, listen to everyone, cooperate in being accountable and in performing their role in evaluation.


Truth is, they don't know how to evaluate and are unwilling to learn. Dr. David Morgan and Mrs. Cheryl Coleman had nothing to do with the above secretive actions taken by the directions of the previous majority board to hire two additional PR employees.  The greatest PR that we can possess as a school district is to improve student achievement levels and to productively and democratically engage the school district community to achieve this goal.  The former board majority has never sought to achieve these goals.  We had no voice and were not a part of the vote that caused the district to act in this manner. We would have said NO and probably called the police had we known about the previous board majority's directions in the matter of hiring two unknown Public Relations individuals without the full board's knowledge, budget approval for these positions, and consent.


Final Rebuttal: Sheila Friday and her board allies, in their ego-centric-divide-and-conquer-what's-in-it-for-me-we-versus-them-mentality still want to hide and ought to be ashamed of themselves for disgracing District 227 by sitting on the school board for the wrong reasons.   Since coming to the school board in April 2009, I have noticed how our school district was being slowly but surely destroyed by those sitting on the school board who were not in the best interests of students or the community they have sworn to serve, but in their own best interests.


There is no place on a school board for those who are nontransparent, and not in the best interest of children and the whole community. The problem is that they care nothing about doing their jobs in accountability, of evaluating the school district, and to follow a regular process to review student achievement data to insure continuous improvement. They know nothing about principles of continuous improvement in accountability and evaluation, including the use of data and student focus.


As the party of No to student achievement, stop complaining about what you don't appear to know  or understand and is unwilling to learn, and the essential democratic- transparent- fair- progressive-Best Practices-continuous-academic-improvement-policies that we are now putting in place that you have opposed in the past, still don't appear to understand, and is still unwilling to learn.  


 Consequently, as usual, you can't agree with and still oppose school improvement principles that has moved all successful school districts forward in a positive direction. The policies that you can't agree with today are the same over static-the-hill-around-the-bend-repressive-status-quo-undemocratic-gag rules and so-called "board agreements" that you have promoted as the board majority in the past to re-enslave the board minority and our community . 


 We do not see the world as it is. Rather, we see the world as we are. Can you really see yourself in the mirror and hear yourself when you now have the nerve, the gall, as the minority to project like home movies,  to project your own lack and inefficiencies onto others, to lie about lack of accountability and evaluation, speech suppression and who promoted it,  your true story of lack of evaluation and accountability in district 227 for decades, complain about transparency, board inclusion, not being informed, or lack of full board and community participation? Please!



Cheryl Coleman

David Morgan

Rich Township High School District 227

20550 South Cicero Avenue

Matteson, Illinois




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As we continue to look work toward a new beginning in a future of educational excellence and equity, we also realize that the most important and promising strategy is to re-engage both the board and the superintendent in a continuous school improvement process. In doing so, we can achieve our mission and goals, and develop the district's capacity to function as a democratic and professional learning community. Today, the new school board and our community envision a school system in which the board, administration, faculty, staff, students and community will:


1) Establish a foundation where all students acquire knowledge and the process of learning.

2) Actively involve and support all students in meaningful learning through formative assessment.

3) Act upon high academic, social, democratic, and moral expectations for all students, and

4) Work collaboratively, democratically and inclusively with board, students, staff, parents, and community in achieving our vision.


Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.

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Monday, June 17, 2013


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Monday, June 17, 2013 1:29 AM

From: "" <>

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My dear Mrytle,


I have known you for about 45 years.  You know me well.  You also know what I stand for.  I believe you were among a group of people I invited to my home in 1969 to discuss participation in local governance as tax payers who should be a party to determining how our tax dollars are being spent.


As a result, William "Bill" Simpson, Juanita Simpson, Leonard Robinson, Sr. were elected to their local schools boards.  In 1969, when Dr. Engbretson, the first president of Governors' State U opened the school, he brought in 5 brilliant Black PhD's and I urged them to become visible in the community.  That resulted in Dr. Roy Cogdale becoming the first American of African descent to serve as a member of the Homewood-Flossmoor Board of Education, School District 223.  Later Ronald Blackstone became a member of that same board and served until I recommended to Governor Thompson that Ron replace me when I retired from the State Board in 1983.


I have been a serious observer of school districts throughout our area.  You know I broke the barrier by becoming the first person of African descent in 1972 to become a member of the Flossmoor Board of Education, School District 161.  Each of the three times I ran, I had the endorsement of the Star Newspaper based on my commitment and concern for the education of our children.  I was endorsed by Vernon Meidell, the editor and then by Lester Sons, who replaced him as editor.  By the way, Lester Sons volunteered his wife of Latin origin and a teacher of Spanish at RCHS to RRCto teach Spanish to the gifted children from HF who became a part of Amigos de las Americas. Larry Reynolds, my son's honor's biology teacher at HF asked me to form a parents' board to raise funds to send the children to Central and South America to inoculate the children.  


 I served a total of nine years on the 161 Board until being recommended by State Senator Aldo DeAngelis, District 223 Superintendent, Edward Rachford and the County Superintendent of Schools, Bill Martwick to Governor James Thompson for me to become a member of the Illinois State Board of Education.


When I first moved out here, Rich Central High School was the preferred choice of physicians from both St. James and St. Francis Hospitals.  RCHS enjoyed a very fine reputation and most of your children were exposed to high expectations and a rigorous curriculum that prepared them well for the professions and career paths that they chose.


A new paradigm shift evolved when more and more Black people moved into the area and RCHS became more and more integrated.  Teachers accustomed for years to teaching all white children found it difficult to make the adjustment and the standards slipped resulting in problems.  Parents of RCHS complained that the Black children from the Beacon Hills community were bringing the standards and the scores down.  I visited Mr. Tandy in 1988 to apprise him of rumors I was hearing about the academics at RCHS; and, as a realtor, clients were requesting homes in the HF school district where the racial transition was smoother.


I had pre-warned and prepared District 161 for the transition and developed a human relations program as a proactive movement to accommodate the change that I knew was imminent.  The subject of my doctoral dissertation is,  The Optimum Human Relations Program for Flossmoor Board of Education, School District 161, Flossmoor, IL.


In 1994 when I founded the Enhancement Organization of Olympia Fields one of the most prevailing desires which is embodied in the Mission Statement which I developed was to assist the schools in whatever way we could in order to assure a high quality of education.  Our target school was RCHS where we developed a highly successful mentoring program that had students partnered with professionals and businesses throughout the area to have hands on experiences.  This resulted in David Oliver and I as members of the EOOF education committee taking a group of students to Brazeley Architectural Firm in Matteson, the architectural boat tour in downtown Chicago and Skidmore, Merrill, Owens where they were able to observe computer assisted design of the major projects undertaken by one of the largest architectural firms in the world. 


It was David Oliver who suggested to President Linzy Jones that the Village of Olympia Fields develop an Education Commission, which came into existence years later. Now let's examine what led to the undignified, ignorant meeting that took place on Saturday, June 15th at Rich East High School.  First and foremost probably no one among those protestors had the slightest knowledge of the history of the District, nor did they know anything about the political power games played by the old board, some of whose members have served and presided over a failing school district for some 20 years.  In 1996 David Oliver, the former head of the Foreign Language Programs for the State of Illinois, warned the Board of Education that Rich was heading toward the IL State Board Watch List, an indication that the school was not performing up to standard. 


Yes, your children of an earlier era received a quality education; but, when you hear that about 66% of the students today do not reach state or national standards on standardized tests, what does that tell you? 


Would you say that that a large percentage of children are uneducable?  Would you say that parents have been concerned and involved as they should be as their children are being either miseducated or undereducated?  Or do you believe as some racists believe that Black children can't learn the way white children can?  Look at the archives, who has presided over the Board of Education all the while the schools were failing?  Are you satisfied with mediocrity or even less than mediocre?  Well, that is what is happening to the MAJORITY of students at RCHS.  Are you satisfied with that?  I'm not because I know for a fact that I am not an exceptional person; I know there are legions of others of my race who are endowed with the same intellect that I possess.


I urge you to continue coming to the meetings, do your due diligence, wait for all the facts to come out and then make your assessment of the newly reorganized Board of Education.  I personally fully support their efforts to turn these schools around without playing politics or nepotism or favoritism.    


 With  Love, Helen

Rich Township 227 Coalition for Better Schools


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