Friday, June 28, 2013

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will

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Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will


Thur, June 27, 2013 11:32 PM

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My dad got me hooked on researching my history, thus I've always lead well in a majority white milieu.  Fortified with the knowledge of the greatness of my people, I have not been beaten down nor have I wavered in my stances for I knew my roots and my roots are great.  Parents, grandparents and others who have access to children, please share the research of our ancestors with them. 

Daddy had us to come to the dinner table nightly prepared to report on and discuss at least 3 newspaper articles that we had read that day.  One had to be of international significance, national and one local in order to know what was going on in the world, our country and our community.  Additionally, Dad had a pretty good library of Black history.  So you can say, I cut my teeth on Black history.  As a result, I've never been afraid to go into any arena and assert myself. 


This valuable information comes from one of our Beloved IL Conductors.  Please research the list below of our heroes of yesteryear and today.  Summer vacation is a great time to get started.    Helen


Subj: Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.


If you neglect your ancestors contributions because you have been domesticated to imitate what has been imprinted into your brains.


All most of us do is TALK but Douglass told the people the following truth and it remains a reality today for our people:




Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will


The longer that our people have assimilated into the European and Arabic cultures the more they have lost their personal self will and independence to know that we face a major and deadly conundrum.



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Restoration of a Vision of Educational Excellence in District 227

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Restoration of a Vision of Educational Excellence in District 227


As time goes on, with the return of a true democracy in district 227, restoration of our civil liberties, fundamental rights to full board and community's public participation, and high academic achievement performance levels, there will be fewer people showing up at public board meetings advocating the former board's dysfunctions in buying into speech suppression, community confrontation, school failure, unaccountability, incompetence, disrespect for our community and children's future, negligence in lack of collaboration, planning, being proactive, lack of full-board-community-involvement, failures in keeping our schools under served, and in tyranny and school failure.


In the past, tyranny, lack of board-community-collaboration and speech suppression with its consequent unaccountability, educational failure, destruction of our schools, and the debauchery of our community and children's future are not who we are as a people. As a district 227 community, we must be free to dream, to build, to engage in full board-community collaboration at open board meetings, to succeed, and to restore the educational accountability and excellence that were lost in our schools over a decade ago.


We are now moving from the paradigm of control, speech suppression, tyranny, academic failures, community confrontation who wants better for its children, and standing idly by watching our schools fall into the abyss to a paradigm of restoration of accountability, full board-community collaboration, the freedom to speak and collaborate in improving our schools, restoration of continuous evaluation for educational excellence in high performance, and release.


As we embrace more Educational Best Practices and leadership principles inherent in educational improvement and success measures, these will enlarge us, emancipate us, and empower our community and schools to be the success story that we truly are as Americans.  All of our messages have a common thread: The power of a positive vision for our children and District 227 Community's common future.


David Morgan, Ph.D, Educational Leadership

School Board Member

Rich Township High School District 227

Olympia Fields, Illinois   60461


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The "C Diet" of School Leadership Culture

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The "C Diet" of School Leadership Culture


In their book entitled "The Heart of leadership" Terrence E. Deal, coauthor of "Leading With Soul" and Kent D. Peterson talk about the job of leadership and the "C DIET." According to the "C Diet", our job as school leaders is to (1) Keep the COMPASS. (2)              To manage CHANGE. (3) To build CREDITILITY: a positive image for the school in the eyes of the COMMUNITY that is focused upon student performance. (4) To CULTIVATE our staff. (5) To ask the COMPELLING QUESTIONS. (6) To be an advocate for CHILDREN.



We can see our job as building our staff in: (1) CONFIDENCE in ourselves, in our decisions and in our teaching. (2) COURAGE to take risks and to break new ground. (3) COMPASSION for children and others. (4) CHARACTER to always do our personal best. (5) COMPETENCE that they know the current trends. (6) CAPACITY to learn new things. (7) COMMITMENT to our mission. (8) CLARITY to focus on the whats and hows. (8) CONSCIOUSNESS to bring thinking to a higher level. (9) COMMUNICATION means open lines of dialog. (10) COLLABORATION to share expertise. (11) CONNECTEDNESS is bonding to each other and to our mission. (12) COLLEGIALITY in professional interactions. (13) CHALLENGE to keep staff on their cutting edge. (14) CRITICAL THINKING in thoughtfulness. (15) CREATIVITY to implement innovations. (16) CURIOSITY to actively seek better ways, and (17) COMMITMENT to feel accepted.


Parent knowledge, collaboration, information, high expectations, and a process of continuous improvement in student performance measures will also, at last, prevail in School District 227.  


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

" We are looking for a lot of people who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done."

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" We are looking for a lot of people who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done."

Fond Farewell

Monday, June 24, 2013 4:02 PM


"Dr. Pamela Hollich" <>

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"Dr. Pamela Hollich" <>

Dear Parents and Community Members,


As you are probably aware, I will be retiring at the end of this month. I would like to thank you all for your support and encouragement during my eight years as the superintendent of the school district. During the past eight years, I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with talented teachers and students and a caring community. In parting, I take fond memories with me. 


Best wishes to all of our students as they continue their school careers in Brookwood School District 167 and beyond. I will think of you often.



Pam Hollich

Superintendent, District 167

Glenwood, Illinois  

"I am looking for a lot of people who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done." Henry Ford


Dr. Pamela K. Hollich
Brookwood School District 167
Glenwood, IL


To: Dr. Pamela Hollich, Superintendent,

School District     167, Glenwood

Dr. Pamela Hollich:


Best wishes upon your retirement.  Thanks for the part you have played in promoting equity and excellence in public education and carrying out your responsibility for leading your community in preparing all students to succeed in a rapidly changing global society.


The primary agenda of superintendent and board members is raising student achievement levels and democratically engaging the community to attain this goal.

In School District 227, we are making much progress and continuing to find more participating board and community members with an "infinite capacity to not know what can't be done." In our world, we can never stand before a great human problem and then pretend that nothing can be done. We must do something. That is why we're on this earth.




David E. Morgan, Ph.D., Educational Leadership

School Board Member

Rich Township High School District 227

Olympia Fields, Illinois   60461


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Trouble on Board: School board members fight for community and transparency

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Trouble on Board: School board members fight for community and transparency


By Sarah Bowman and Minjae Park
Medill Watchdog Group at Northwestern University


Rich Township school board member Cheryl Coleman had had enough.

Coleman had won election to the High School 227 board in April, 2011, determined to address the district's low test scores and lack of resources. She soon became worried that declining enrollment could force one of the three district high schools to close.


Before long, Coleman began asking that enrollment, health programs, tardiness and other critical issues be put on the meeting agenda for the board to discuss.

Month after month, it didn't happen.


So at a February, 2012, board meeting, Coleman took a different approach. She took a seat that night not at the board table, but in the audience. When the public comments portion of the meeting came, Coleman rose to address her colleagues with concerns she had been unable to raise sitting at their table.

The board policy calls for board members to be in "listening mode" during the comments portion, noted Coleman. "So that is why I took my seat in the audience that night, because I figured they would finally have to listen to me," she said.

This spring, the tables turned. Coleman's allies won election to the Rich Township board, catapulting Coleman into election as president of the board that she had long battled for information.


Her frustrations are echoed in other suburban school districts around Chicagoland, where reformist critics win election only to find their access to information, or even their ability to raise issues, blocked by the majority.


Janet Hughes, a critic of spending practices in Lemont-Bromberek School District 113A, only was elected after a contentious election battle ended in court. Hughes encountered district resistance when she began demanding details of the bills that she and other board members were being asked to approve. But she was unprepared for what she learned when she finally saw the detailed bill from the district lawyers; the district was spending money even after the election for advice about the board's composition.


And in Hinsdale Township District 86, board member Dianne Barrett was rebuffed when she sought information about complaints by families of special needs students. She was also denied access to an audiotape of a closed session meeting that she missed. Barrett filed suit against her district to obtain access to the information and the audiotape. The board majority then voted to adopt new policies that allowed it to deny her, or any board member, access to information.

Like Barrett, Hughes turned to the courts, contending she was wrongly denied information. Both are now off their boards, their terms expired. But both lawsuits are still pending, hanging in limbo while courts decide whether the lawsuits are still even relevant once the members' service ends.


Both are represented by attorney Clint Krislov, who contends that a ruling against his clients would only encourage other board majorities to stymie transparency by simply delaying until dissenting members' time on the board runs out.


The Hinsdale, Lemont and Rich Township School Districts all had been represented by the same lawfirm: Scariano, Himes & Petrarca. Firm attorney James Petrungaro, who counsels school board attorneys nationwide on defining the limits of board members to district records, said in a recent interview that limits are needed to prevent vocal minorities from interfering with board operations. He said that privacy concerns over student records also require that school boards ensure board members have a "legitimate reason" for being provided documents they seek.


But that interpretation is backwards, said Mark Caramanica, attorney for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which monitors state laws related to open government. Caramanica contends the burden should be on school boards to justify denying information - not the other way around.


"It's not that you need to show me a law that specifically says this record is open," he said. "You need to show me a law that specifically says this record is closed." He added, "The public should be very skeptical of any efforts to hide documents from school board members and the public about decisions being made by the school board."


Illinois law is not so clear. State law gives boards the authority they need "for the maintenance, operation and development" of the district schools, and "stewardship" of district assets. But the specific rights and responsibilities of board members are not spelled out.


To Krislov, who founded the now-defunct Center for Open Government at ITT-Chicago Kent College of Law that originally represented Hughes and Barrett in their battles for greater transparency, the matter is overdue to be settled by the courts. "If no one tells the boards to stop stonewalling, they will keep stonewalling," he said.


RICH TOWNSHIP: District Dysfunction

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Southtown Article

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Boss' firing results in charges

BY CASEY TONER June 18, 2013 10:22PM


Updated: June 19, 2013 2:21AM


The head of a well-known funeral home company faces a misdemeanor charge for allegedly threatening the Rich Township High School District 227 Board president after she voted to fire his daughter-in-law.


Spencer Leak Sr., 76, 9157 S. Constance Ave., Chicago, was charged Tuesday with disorderly conduct in connection with an incident Saturday at a special school board meeting at Rich East High School, Park Forest police said.


In a controversial move, the school board voted 4 to 3 to immediately dismiss Donna Simpson Leak, who had been superintendent since 2010. About 150 people attended the meeting.


Board president Cheryl Coleman told police that Leak Sr., Donna Leak's father-in-law, walked up to her after the meeting, pointed at her by holding "his fingers like a gun" and said he was going to get her. When she asked what he intended, Leak Sr. told her that it was "for him to know and for Coleman to find out," according to police.


Coleman told police that Leak Sr.'s threat left her fearful and worried for her safety, and she requested extra police surveillance at her house, police said.


They said Leak Sr. denied threatening Coleman, saying speakers at the meeting had "attacked his family," calling them "gang members" and "carpetbaggers." He told police that he planned to speak at the board meeting set for 7 p.m. Thursday at the District 227 administration center, 20550 Cicero Ave.


On Monday, Leak Sr. declined to comment, other than to deny Coleman's allegation. He did not respond to a message left on Tuesday. He is president of Leak and Sons Funeral Home, which has funeral homes in Chicago and Country Club Hills.

Coleman stood by her statement to police.


"When the action happened in the building, it frightened me and I was shocked and the natural thing was to report it to the authorities," she said. "I heard him very clear."


In a statement following the board's vote Saturday, Coleman said Donna Leak was fired for "gross improprieties" in the process for student expulsions, for recommending that the board enter into unenforceable contracts with several administrators and for improperly denying a board member access to the administration center. The issues required that she be dismissed immediately, Coleman said.


Leak's attorney, Steven Glink, said there was "no question" she would file a lawsuit against the district regarding her firing, likely by week's end. Leak has five years left on her contract at a salary of $200,000 per year.


"I will defend her to the max," Glink said.



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Rich Township School District 227 Board Meeting Tonight
Monday, June 24, 2013
District Office 20550 S. Cicero, Matteson IL 
Open Meeting - 7:00pm
You are welcomed to attend or watch the board meetings from the comfort of you own home (LIVE)  


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Have a Great Day!
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