The Role of Board 227 and the District Community in Collaboration and School Improvement
The role of a school board is to improve student achievement levels and to foster a civil, equitable, collaborative approach first with itself and then with the community it has sworn to serve. This collaboration involves full board and community participation, board evaluation of the school district, strategic planning, encouraging community in contributing input in implementing a district vision, and instructional improvements. On April 9, 2013, we must choose a school board who will encourage full board and community participation, not deny and block it. We need a board who is willing to do its job, to periodically review a district plan to review student achievement and build collaborative relationships with key stakeholders at all levels based upon gaining support for student achievement as the district's top priority.
With the board majority, who was last seen looking out for itself, these efforts at school improvement have been blocked. As a result, by the 2010-2011 school year, less than three out of every ten high school students were at grade level. We can change this picture with a new school board on April 9, 2013. Board 227 still hides behind a façade while continuing to block full board and public participation from those who want best for its children and the community. The board majority continues to hide behind a false facade, pretending while actually doing nothing toward school improvement beyond bragging on itself. It continues blocking minority board members in our school improvement efforts and not holding first itself accountable, and refusing to face its responsibility in evaluating the school district. Truth is, they don't know how, but it is a teachable process that is state mandated.
Having the gall and nerve to try to strip duly elected public officials of their right to public participation and thereby robbing the community of its right to be represented in the community's assembly is nothing less than a crime. It is both voter fraud and election fraud. Trying to strip both the community and its duly elected officials of its right to voice, choice and public input into decisions that should be made in the public's best interest is further subverting the democratic process. Leadership still needs public input in decisions that should be made in the public's interest.
As the April 9, 2013 election approaches and as this school board continues to hide, to waste millions of our tax dollars still losing lawsuits foolishly fighting community participation in our courts of justice, we must vote wisely. We need a school board who is about improving student achievement levels , not holding our children, our schools, and our community hostage for over two decades in failure. As we continue to be taxed to death with little to show for it, as tax payers, we want what is in the best interest of children, our parents, and the future of our community, not merely what is in the best interest of four board members.
David E. Morgan, Ph.D., Educational Leadership
School Board Member
Rich Township High School District 227
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461