Update on the school board 227 meeting of June 19, 2012 Effective school boards do not make excuses for failure, neither do they blame the victims, our parent, children, and community. At last night's school board meeting, the forces for continued failure proved that they have already picked their candidates for the April 2, 2013 school board elections.
Last night's school board meeting proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the majority school board members, the Owens regime, is committed to one hundred percent to protecting and preserving the continued legacy of failed leadership in the school's administration. This is underscored by the fact that for the past two administrations student achievement has had a steady nose dive in declining student performance. The previous administration left those students able to perform at grade level at only thirty-six percent. The new administration has doubled down in continuing failed policies, failed leadership, and failed accountability which has produced a further decline where only 27% of students performing at grade level in reading and math.
Meanwhile, the current school board majority demonstrated once again that "failure is the only option" when it comes to the office of superintendent, by extending until 2017 the current contract of the superintendent, despite no tangible evidence of any upward progress in student achievement. Patrick Henry said it best. "He who does not govern himself wisely will be governed by despots. The greatest way to lose our liberties is to exercise our freedoms irresponsibly." Our community can change all of this if we organize, mobilize, and strategize to elect true public servants who advocate for the academic, instructional, and fiscal health of our community.
IT IS PAST TIME FOR A CHANGE IN SCHOOL DISTRICT 227: Our educational problem in district 227 is not a charter school, but a self-righteous underperforming leadership. This school board, who was last seen looking out for itself, caused the birth of a charter school. It's negligence has left no educational choice for our children, parents, and community.
Mr. Komaa Mnyofu