Fw: Use of Thug Intimidation Tactics by District 227 School Board Against Citizen Dissent 1 ...
FROM: G Burks ..Tuesday, October 9, 2012 3:46 PM....Mr. Mnyofu asked me to send to you.........Gail...
From: komaa Mnyofu <mnyofuk@yahoo.com>....To: "sgallagher@att.state.il.us" <sgallagher@att.state.il.us> ...Cc: metro suntimes <metro@suntimes.com>; "nsteinberg@suntimes.com" <nsteinberg@suntimes.com>; naacp chicago <chicagonaacp@ameritech.net>; "ctc-...tribletter@tribune.com" <ctc-tribletter@tribune.com> ...Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Use of Thug Intimidation Tactics by District 227 School Board Against Citizen Dissent
Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General
Attn: Sarah Gadola Gallagher, Asst. Attorney General
Public Access Bureau
State of Illinois
500 S. Second Street
Springfield, Illinos 62706
Email: sgallagher@atg.state.il.us
Dear Attorney Gallagher:
My name is Komaa Mnyofu a parent of a former graduate of Rich Central High School, a 12 year district resident and taxpayer, and former candidate for District 227 school board in the April 2009 election. My history of activism as an advocate for improved educational opportunities for our students speaks for itself for those who know me in district 227.
This communication is regarding the introduction and use of a new weapon against citizens at open school board meetings who voice any dissent from the dictatorial use of power by current board member and chair Betty Owens and her other 3 majority school board members---Sonya Norwood, Emanuel Immoukhoude and Alyssa Hernandez.
The weapon is outright verbal threats of physical violence and intimidation voiced by board member Sonya Norwood at a board meeting and a hired community surrogate and bully named Quintella Bounds [Glenn].
At the August 18, 2012 board meeting, Norwood stated that because she didn't like my comments during the public speaking portion of the agenda, that I could "meet me on the parking lot" after the board meeting. I requested and received a police escort after the meeting to my vehicle.
Earlier at the same meeting, board surrogate and hired bully, Ms. Quintella Bounds, after completing her public comments turned facing the audience and stated that anyone in the audience who disgreed with her comments could "meet me on the parking lot."
Both of these reprehensible comments and conduct are recorded on audio and video tape by the board. The board chair Betty Owens did nothing to rule Norwood or Bounds out of order or verbally state that the threats and comments were wrong.
Instead, Owens rules myself, other citizens and other board members [Dr. David Morgan and Cheryl Coleman] as out of order if the boards actions or policies are criticized. At the September 18, 2012 school board meeting, the board tacitly sanctioned, condoned and funded flyers distributed by Quintella Bounds threatening to "do something about it" if Board members Morgan and Coleman continued to be "affiliated" with me.
The flyers were on the official table of the board placed alongside board documents such as the public sign-in sheets, board meeting agenda and other board documents in the lobby where the board meeting was to take place.
Further, the board allowed Bounds to read in its entirety the 2 page flyer which slander and defamed my nmae and that of board members Dr. Morgan and Cheryl Coleman. The statements were inflammatory and designed to encourage and incite physical violence against me, Dr. Morgan and Ms. Coleman for having a view or expressing a view different than the boards or Ms. Bounds.
Additionally, the board allowed Bounds to display inside the board meeting, large professionally done campaign style posters calling me, Dr. Morgan, and Cheryl Coleman as "Thugs, Bullies and Gangs".
This action by the board tacitly condoned, approved, supported and funded the huge signs used by Bounds to enlist the use of violence against me, Dr. Morgan, and Ms. Coleman.
A review of Ms. Bounds criminal record reveals that she herself has been the victim of several incidents of domestic violence by her husband and a 2005 incident in which she used profanities toward a Matteson police officer after she was issued a parking citation. After hiring a lawyer, the case was dismissed for lack of probable cause.
However, given the record of domestic violence against Bounds by her husband, along with his criminal record of having served time for 3 counts of Aggravated battery, Armed violence [Category I Weapon] and Attempted murder [86CR0555501] taken with Ms. Bounds threat to "do something about it" directed at me, Dr. Morgan and Ms. Coleman's exercise of the right to disagree publicly with the board causes me and all citizens to be concerned for our safety and physical well being.
This level of incivility, criminal conduct, bullying and thuggery was ushered into our district with the boards "fixed" appointment of current superintendent Donna Leak on April 3, 2010. [See Southtown Newspaper April 4, 2010]
A review by your office of the two [2] videotapes of the board meetings will allow you to see for yourself the incidents indicated here. (Request through an FOIA a videotape for the meetings on August 21, 2012 at Rich East High School and the next school board meeting conducted on September 18, 2012 at Rich South High School).
Due to this board sanctioned and approved use and threat of physical violence against me and those board members who "affiliate" with me, I had to file a police report with the Richton Park police department under Case No. 12-8541 recently.
It is my hope that the authorities responsible for oversight of conduct by district 227 school officials will intervene to prevent any attempts to carry out violence against citizens or board members who express a view different from the school board or their hired surrogates in an effort to intimidate citizens from particiapting in board meetings and expressing opposing views.
Finally, it should be noted that district superintendent Donna Leak and board president Betty Owens and board members Sonya Norwood and Emanuel Imoukhede are actively supporting Ms. Bounds for a seat on the school board in next years April 9, 2013 school board election. Owens, Norwood, Hernandez---along with Dr. Morgan----are up for re-election as their terms expire April 9, 2013.
Mr. Komaa Mnyofu ..(708) 253-8755...Attachments..Quintella Bounds Flyer 0918