Beginning on election day, April 9, 2013, the new school board will begin to play their proper role and responsibility in creating equity, quality, and excellence in district 227's public education that is fundamental to a strong democratic society. The primary agenda of successful school boards is raising student achievement levels and engaging the full board and district 227 community to attain this goal.
On our board 227, knowing how to respect and listen to everyone and treat others as the human beings and citizens that they are, board members, parents, administration, and community will determine how well the school board produces. To be successful, the new school board 227 will have an accurate gauge of the quality of our relationships at all levels of the district. As the new school board, we will be committed to respect everyone, listen to our community's concerns, answer the community's questions, solve problems, welcome community input, and take affirmative action, when necessary, to promote respect for community, equality, integrity, fairness, impartiality, and dignity at all levels of the district, beginning with the school board. To be successful, we must commit to fostering long term collaborative and respectful relationships, both inside the schools and within the community.
In turning our school district around, the new transparent board 227 will provide a framework of eight key action areas that all successful boards have focused their attention on. Vision, positive ethical leadership, developing parent and community leadership, standards, assessment and evaluation, board accountability, resource alignment, positive school climate, full board-parent-teacher-administration-community- collaboration, welcoming community engagement- involvement, and continuous improvement. The challenges facing school district 227 have never been greater. Unwavering commitment will be required to meet these challenges. Our new school board, beginning on April 9, 2013, intend to help move that commitment into practice and policies that produce positive results for students and move our school district off probation and into the twenty-first century.
The new school board will prove, through hard work, what collaborative actions, and strong leadership can accomplish when the school board and superintendent work together in a systematic way. Without encouragement of community engagement, full board and community input and participation, and support, we cannot succeed. With it, we cannot fail.
David E. Morgan, Ph.D., Educational Leadership
School Board Member
Rich Township High School District 227
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461